
Newspaper headlines and political discourse habituate us to alarming news about the intensifying dangers of global warming, hydraulic fracturing or ‘fracking,’ rising sea levels, and greenhouse gases. All too often, we become over-reliant on data-driven scientific approaches to the natural world at the expense of humanistic discourse. There has been a perceived schism between the humanities, seemingly on the sidelines or in an ivory tower, while the natural sciences frequently take the public spotlight and are thought to lead on environmental issues. We at Green Humanities believe in the power of the humanities–a book, a poem or a work of art for example—to influence public opinion and inspire engagement with ecological issues and causes. Green Humanities aims to place the humanities on the frontlines not only of cutting edge eco-criticism, but also of the environmental debates that will shape and determine our very world. We envision varied collaborations and juxtapositions of scholarship within the humanities as well as environmental sciences and related fields–all with the overarching goal of coaxing our global society toward a more sustainable future.

Current Volume: Volume 4 (2024) Eco-Justice

From Flint Michigan to battles against the Keystone Pipeline, individuals and communities in the US have mobilized to defend people of color and indigenous communities most affected by extractivist and polluting practices. In France, a wave of uprisings known as the Gilets Jaunes movement rose to contest the socio-economic injustice of a national carbon pricing policy supposedly aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. At the international level, a plethora of actors challenge the hypocrisy of the Global North’s neglect of their historically dominant role in causing global and environment and climate disruption. From environmental and climate justice to just transitions, ecological discourse and action are increasingly understood through the lens of justice.

Our fourth volume is dedicated to the ever-important topic of eco-justice. Through a diverse set of contributions, it is a testament to the unique and expansive lenses which the arts and humanities are capable of soliciting. Together, they expand and challenge our understandings of and sensibilities to eco-justice.

We extend our gratitude to all of our contributors, for helping to chart an eco-justice journey within and beyond the pages of Green Humanities.




Cole Swensen


Melissa Tuckey
Melissa Tuckey

Field Notes


The Artist Corner
Vijali Hamilton

Editor's Notes



Peter Schulman, Old Dominion University
Coralie Boulard, KU Leuven
Lucas Zabotin, University of Cambridge

Poetry Editor

Jennifer Atkinson, George Mason University